MIDILLI STL Generator for 3D Printers

Quick Usage


Download the ZIP file and extract to a location. Copy the Example JSON file below and save it as test.json using a simple text editor. To keep the things simple, save it at the same location as the executable.

Example JSON file

The following file generates all six sides for MyPart, placing one hole and one rectangle cutout on the Top side. The top size of the box is 5×5 cm and the components are placed at (x = 1, y = 1) and (x = 3, y = 3) respectively. The visible sizes of the components are the same as drill sizes.

	"Generic": {
		"width": 5.0,
		"length": 5.0
	"MyPart_Top": {
		"myRoundComponent#1": {
			"location_x": 1,
			"location_y": 1,
			"drill_diameter": 1,
			"call_name": "Hello",
            "visible_diameter": 1,
			"rotation": 0
		"myRectangleComponent#1": {
			"location_x": 3,
			"location_y": 3,
			"drill_width": 2,
			"drill_length": 1,
			"call_name": "MIDILLI",
			"visible_width" : 2,
			"visible_length" : 1,
			"rotation": 0
	"MyPart_Bottom": {

	"MyPart_Back": {
	"MyPart_Front": {

	"MyPart_Left": {

	"MyPart_Right": {


Depending on the command-line options, the other sides of the part will be created using different sizing. Read Coordinate system and effect of sizing parameters for more on different results of the arguments.

Note: JSON syntax is very strict. Ensure that the last line before each '}' does not end with a comma, while all other lines should. Use an online validation tool to confirm correctness.

Command line

Assuming that the JSON file is stored at the same location as the executable file, open a command window (Command Prompt, or PowerShell), then execute the following command:

Note: The following command requires installation of the free and open-source OpenSCAD software.

.\STLGenerator.exe --json-file .\test.json --output-directory .
 --material-thickness 3 --box-height-3d 30 --single-part --separate-top

You will be provided with an output showing the current settings as following:

~~~~~ Settings ~~~~~
Single part: Yes
Separate top: Yes
Separate bottom: No
Screw diameter: 0 mm
Screw head height: 0 mm
Screw head diameter: 0 mm
Screw extra margin: 0 mm
Outer sizing enabled: No
Material thickness: 3 mm
Box height in 3D: 30 mm
Recess depth: 0 mm
OpenSCAD path: C:\\Progra~1\\OpenSCAD\\openscad.exe
Keep OpenSCAD files at the end: No
Create only OpenSCAD files: No
Verbose enabled: No

Each setting on the console output can be customized with command line arguments.

After completion, 6 files starting with MyPart_ and ending with .stl, test_merged.stl, and MyPart_Top.scad file will be visible under test directory. Opening MyPart_Top.stl and test_merged.stl in a program which can view STL files should display results similar to the following:

MyPart_Top.stl: Separated top with components of test project.
test_merged.stl: Rest of the sides are combined as a single part.

From this point, you can use your slicer software to start printing.