MIDILLI JSON File Definition

The program requires a JSON file to operate. An example file is provided above and can be modified according to the specific needs. A detailed explanation of the possible mandatory (represented in bold) and optional properties and parameters is given in the following table. The text enclosed in square brackets [] can be replaced if it starts with unique; otherwise, one of the provided options should be used (e.g., [uniquePartName]_[Side]).

* These values may change depending on outer or inner-sizing choice. Bold font represents a mandatory property.

The text [uniquePartName] can be replaced with any name, brackets should be removed, e.g, MyPart

However, [Side] should be replaced with one of Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Back, Front. Note: each side may appear only once for a [uniquePartName] part, e.g., MyPart_Top or MyPart_Left. If any of the sides are missing it will not be created.